Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Another December Post!!!!!! :D

Hello one + all!!!!

Hope you all are enjoying the seasonal festivities. (that sounds fancy!!! LOL!!!) Anyway things have slowed down for me the past couple of days...I'm down with a cold. AUGH!!!!! I pretty much stayed on the couch all day today. I was still able to get some things done so that was good. No cranberry bread got made...but I made a few more ornaments, knitted on the scarf I've been working on, sneezed, blew my nose (alot!!) + washed my hands (alot!!) So things are still getting done...just a bit slower.

Hannah did some running around for me today. :) That was wonderful!! I love that I can depend on her to do things like that for me. She's a great helper!!

I figured I'd have more to say but I guess not!! (LOL!!!)

Have a great rest of the week!
Only a week till Christmas Eve!! (just thought I'd remind you!!)

Love y'all!!!!
Hugs, Nanette :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Can you believe it?!?!??!

Two posts in the month of December!!!! Do miracles never cease!! LOL!!!

Hope you all are doing well. Are things crazy at your house? Hard to believe but I am FINALLY making my Christmas cards!! Kevin actually said that it was 'too late' to start them and I should send store-bought!! Well, that is not going to happen!! So they are underway. ;)

We had some power line 'misshaps' a couple of times in a week. Last Thursday night the power line that went from the pole to our house catch on fire and spark. Of course it made our electricity go out. It was raining and we thought it was due to the apple tree branches that the line was running through caused a puncture in the line. Well, no, it ended up being a squirrel chewing on it!! Amazing!! That got fixed and we thought we were done with anymore problems. We ended up losing our microwave and Hannah's ceiling fan. (not sure why the fan?) Then yesterday morning shortly after 9:00 our electricity started flickering and power surging. What the?? Come to find out a dying black pine tree had uprooted and fell on the SAME power line!!!! In all the 23 years we've lived in this house we've never had this much problem with the electricity. It had been raining so much overnight that the ground was saturated and the tree came down. I had to go to work so Kevin ended up staying home waiting for the power co. guy. It ended up being the same one that was here last week! LOL!! Crazy!! It took him a few hours to finally get here. Come to find out a lot of trees had gone down all over the county due to the wet ground. Thankfully everything's fixed. We did lose our ceiling fan and a space heater with this go 'round. I had been 'hoping' I'd lose the fridge...but NO!!! Twice I had the chance and twice it's still running fine. (did I say how much I HATE that fridge?!?!) Oh well!!

Enough of that!!
Hope you all have a terrific Christmas if I don't 'see' you again before then!
Hugs + much love!!
Nanette :)

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

It's Christmas time!! YAY!!!!

Hello All!!!

I can't believe that it's been so long since I last posted. But I guess I say that everytime...don't I?

So is everyone ready for Christmas? I am certainly NOT!!!! I can't get over how the time's just flying by!! I still have so much to do!! We do have our tree up and a lot of our decorating done. So that's good. We had a funny thing happen Sunday evening after our fully decorated tree had been standing for about 3 hours...It fell down!!! It was amazing!! We only lost 3 ornaments so that was good. And it took Kevin another couple hours to put it back up and fix the light, ornaments + strings of beads. I felt so bad for him...he felt horrible about it. If it didn't seem so tragic it would have been hillarious! You see this stuff happen in movies...but not to 'real' people!!

We woke up to snow yesterday morning. It was really pretty watching it come down. It's pretty much gone now but I loved to watch it fly.

Sorry this is so short...but with so much left to do...I've not got as much time to blog!!
Have a wonderful Christmas if I don't get back here before then! (that wouldn't be too unusual!!)

Love you all!!
Hugs, Nanette :)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I'm Here...Still!!!!! (or again! LOL!!)

Hello All!!

I should be making supper right now but it has been so long since I last posted on my blog that I decided since I was finally able to get on the pc I had better take my opportunity! :D

We have been doing a lot of canning lately. And last week Pam and I picked beans and tomatoes at a local farm. They were only $7 for a 5-gallon bucket full. I canned 21 qts of beans and 9 qts of tomatoes. (I was hoping for more jars of toms. but they cook down some...) We ended up with 38 qts and 18 pts. of applesauce from the apples on our trees. And there are so many more apples on the trees that we could do a TON more! Kevin got tired of picking so he stopped. ;D We still have a box of apples yet to do something with.

We've also been purging the 'stuff' we have in our house. It is amazing how much stuff you can acumulate living in a house for over 23 years. ;) I recently went through our linen closet and will be donating a bunch of sheet sets that I don't use. I would rather someone else get use out of them than throw them away.

It's raining today. I have been a bit lazy and tired. It's been quite a while since we've gotten any rain that I'm not complaining. We need it so badly. But the grayness has just made me a little lethargic today. I even took a nap on the couch this afternoon. ;) Something I haven't done in a while!! LOL!!!

Not too much going on around here lately. I NEED to clean and organize my scraproom. Something I DO NOT look forward to. My creativity has been sucked in there in a BLACK HOLE and I can't seem to find it. :( I have gotten so discouraged and have not done any papercrafting in such a very long time. :(

Well, I leave you on that 'happy' note!! LOL!!!
Have a great one!
Hugs, Nanette

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's been TOO long!!

Hello All!!!

I have been absent from here for way too long. Sorry about that. I will try to do a recap (in quick order) of what we've done the last 6 weeks.

I survived, quite well I might say, of changing my meds. I am a new person. And I love what God's made me to be now. :D I look at things so differently. Through new eyes, so to speak. I've seen things that I've never noticed before. And I couldn't have made it through without my God and my family and friends that have been praying for me. Thanks so much!!

Kevin and Hannah 'kidnapped' me and took me to WI. For 33 days!! I didn't think that I was 'ready' to go...but they had other ideas. We left on the 7th of August and I ended up sleeping 85% of the trip that first day. It was unbeliveable. They teased me the next day. Well, the next day I was a totally different person. Didn't sleep at all. It was quite the transformation.

We had a wonderful, terrific vacation. Kept busy. Hannah even worked a couple of days at the Rivers End gallery shop. Made some money. She's got jewelry selling at the Sea Hag gift shop. We went to Cornucopia Day. I volunteered at the Quilter's bake sale. We went to Game Night and besides Hannah, Kevin and I were the youngest ones there. But those 'older' people are HILLARIOUS!! We had a great time!! Went to the Village Inn and had the Friday Night Fish Fry on a number of occasions. Mmmm!! Went on a 'sunset cruise' on the boat. Just gorgeous!! Went 4-wheeling. Did a 4 mile hike on the coast of Lake Superior. Went yard-saling. Ate, ate and ate some more!! Went swimming in Lake Siskiwit. And did many more things that are too numerous to list.

The one thing that I was quite disappointed about was that I never go to go swimming in Lake Superior. It was a bit colder this year than in previous ones. :( I was so upset that it didn't work out. Well, there's always next summer!!!!

Now that we've been home for a few weeks, we've canned grape juice and applesauce from our own vines and apple trees. I love to can produce so this is right up my alley! We plan on giving some away as Christmas gifts. :)

Kevin and I will be celebrating our 29th anniversary on Monday the 29th. We plan on going away for an overnight this coming weekend. Something we've only done one other time in our life. We're really looking forward to it. ;)

I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to post here....but hopefully this will let you have a glimse of my life right now.

Have a great day!!
Hugs, Nanette :)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

An even better day!!

Today was an even better day. I even spent sometime outside. May not sound like much but it's a big accomplishment to me. Even my appetite is coming back. I'm taking baby steps but moving forward.

I want to thank all those who have been praying for me and all the encouraging words. I can't tell you how much it all means to me.

Hugs, Nanette

Monday, August 04, 2008

My best day yet...

Well, yesterday I said that I could see a glimmer at the end of the tunnel. Well, today was even better. I haven't had to take any Ativan at all today!! Praise God!! And today is only my 5th day on the Paxil. I even made some hummingbird food for my hummingbirds this that's quite an accomplishment. LOL!! I will tell you that I've spent the better part of the past 6 days or so just lying around trying to get through life. But I think things have turned and I'm on the road to recovery.

Thanks for all those praying for me!!
Couldn't have done it without you!!

Hugs, Nanette

Sunday, August 03, 2008

I think there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Well, I think there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. Today is my 4th day being on Paxil and even though I'm still dealing with anxiety I haven't needed to take the Adival. (a setative that helps me get through the worse of it.) I'm even sitting in my back yard writing on my blog. So God is good. Even when I was in the dark pit I knew God was with me. I would read my Bible and devotions everyday. At night I would sleep with the verse, "I will lie down and sleep in peace; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8 That has helped a great deal.

Well, I just wanted to fill you in on all the things I've been going through.

Thanks LaRessie, for your concern, You have been a great friend. :)

Hugs, Nanette

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rough times

Well, I've had a rough time these past few months.

My antidepressant hasn't been working well for the past 4 or so months. Well, I finally went to see my Dr. on Tuesday and got my meds changed. I am now on Paxil. It's been a rough transition so far. Been praying...a lot...and having others pray for me. I couldn't get through these past few days without the support of Hannah and Kevin. They have been my mainstay. Also of course reading my Bible and praying have also been a big help. It keeps me grounded.

I couldn't get through these past few days without the prayers of Becky, Kim and Michelle. What's neat is I don't even know Michelle. She's on the prayer team for Faith Sisters message board. I haven't been there in a really long time but she has been keeping track of me. Also, Becky. She has been a wonderful prayer warrior for me. And Kim. I know when there's a problem I can always count on her to pray.

Thank you so much ladies. And of course, my family. You have all been a wonderful God-send. He has truly blessed me with some wonderful people in my life.

I will keep everyone posted on how I'm doing as the days and weeks go on.

Hugs, Nanette

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Let me know your memories. :)

Hi!! This was on someone else's blog so I wanted to pass it along. :) I posted a memory on their blog.

"Everybody is doing it"

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Now back to my everyday stuff.....

Just got back from having my hair cut. Suzy did a beautiful job! I love how it turned out. I wish I knew how to post pictures or I would. ;)

Hannah got hers cut, too. We are both 'Looking Good!' LOL!!! (If I do say so myself.)

We had our yard sale on Saturday. Did pretty well. We made $155. I don't think that's too bad for 6 hours time. We started at 8:00, but had our first 'customer' here as soon as Kevin put out the signs at 7:45. I just don't know what it is about some people. ;) We stayed 'open' until 2:00. Kevin was so funny because from noon till 2 he kept asking 'What time is it?' He was ready to go get the signs. We had it in the paper till 2. LOL!! He was thrilled to go get the signs. :D

I was exhausted all day on Sunday. I guess I was recouperating from Sat. I just couldn't shake it. I took a short nap in the afternoon and felt better after that.

Not much else is going on. I got all my ATCs finished and mailed. I still have 10 cards to make for Becky and Nicole. I need to get going on those. I just have felt 'out of sorts' the past few days.

Well, I'll post another day!
Have a great evening!

Hugs, Nanette :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

So tired..... :(

I am so tired right now I don't know why I'm posting on my blog.

I guess that since I haven't posted in quite awhile I thought that I should.

So here goes...

Well, we've been getting ready for a yard sale we're having tomorrow. I am so exhausted from not getting enough sleep last night (that's another story!!) and planning and setting up for the yard sale. I hope we have a good turn out because we've got a LOT of stuff to sell. The money we make from it is going into Hannah and my 'vacation fund' so we'll have some spending money while we're away. ;) I'm selling a bunch of papercrafting supplies. A LOT of clothes. A LOT of books. Some knick knacks. Windows. Just a TON of stuff. :)

Now to why I didn't get enough sleep last night....

It was a crazy night anyway. Kevin was so exhausted from getting up at 5 a.m. the past 2 mornings so he could go pressure wash a shopping center nearby so he fell asleep on the couch. Hannah was in her room, so I came down to the computer. Hannah ended up coming to look for me at 12:30 a.m. to see where I was and wondering why I was up so late. I ended up going upstairs and 'visiting' with her in her room for awhile...then went to bed. Kevin was still on the couch. After I was all comfy reading in bed Hannah comes bursting in saying that someone had responded to her manuscript!!! It was a publishing company that was interested in her book. (it turned out not to be what we'd hoped) But it was a response just the same. She was so excited!! I was so tired!! LOL!! By this time it was after 1:30 a.m.

Needless to say I finally got to sleep and ended up waking up at 9:00...which to me is way too early when I didn't get to sleep until after 1:30.

So now I'm dragging. ;) But somewhat excited about the yardsale.
Wish me luck!! I'll tell you later how we made out!

Hugs!!!! Nanette

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Terrific B-day!!

Well, my birthday was yesterday. I am now 48 years old. And the way I've been feeling these past couple of afternoons I feel more like I'm that old. LOL!! For some reason as the day goes on, my neck, shoulders and into my head has ached. I'm not sure why....but it bothers me. Oh well, I'll see how it is tomorrow. ;)

Now...about my birthday.....

Kevin, Hannah and I went to Asheville for the day. We left early and got to the 'big city' by 11:00. Our first stop was AC Moore's. I got a bunch of neat stuff. ;) I had a bunch of coupons printed out so I gave one to Kevin, one to Hannah and I kept one. Hannah said that I was 'exploiting' them by having them do this for me! It was funny. I got some of the Cuttlebug embossing folders. I can't wait to use them. I've never had any before. :)

We then went to have lunch at Red Lobster. Mmmmm. Boy was it good. We then went to Michaels where Hannah got some jewelry findings. Our next stop was Target. I just love Target and I would love to have one here. I got some fun things there. :) Hannah got some new clothes due to most of hers getting too big for her. (she's been losing weight. and doing a great job!!) Next was Barnes & Nobles. I got some magazines for our WI trip. And our last stop was the mall. I got some votives from Yankee Candle and some hand soaps at Bath and Body Works. Hannah got a pair of jeans and a pair of capris in Old Navy.

We got home around 5:00 where there was a gorgeous cake waiting for me. :) My best friend Pam made me a sunflower cake. Beautiful. :) Pam and Gary came over later on and shared it with us. We headed out again for a nice supper at the Boiler Room. Mmmmm!!

Today was more celebrating. :) Hannah and I went out to lunch with Pam and Debbie. (or so I thought that's all it would be.) When we got to Monte Albans LaRessie, Candy and Donna were there waiting for us!! It was such a nice surprise. We had a great time eating, laughing and just visiting. And, of course, the mexican men had to sing to me (and Donna, her birthday is Mon.) with Sombraroes on our heads. I felt silly but it was hillarious!! It was so much fun!!

I got a lot of nice gifts from these wonderful ladies. From Pam...a tea set for one. From Debbie...some gourmet teas to go with my tea set. From Donna...a handmade, stain glass necklace and earing set. From LaRessie...a beautiful notepad. And from altered frame. Such a nice surprise.

I've already gotten the pictures back that I took yesterday and Hannah took today. Yesterday's pictures are of the stores that we went into in Asheville. They came out really neat. I think I might make a mini album with them. :)

It's been a great past 2 days. So much fun. :)
Oh!!! I also got a bunch of e-cards and birthday wishes from my online friends. And gifts and cards from family far and wide.

Thanks to you all!!
Hugs, Nanette

Monday, July 07, 2008

2 Days till my b-day!!!


Well, my birthday is in 2 days. ;) I will be 48 and, to me, that seems impossible!! Where did the time go?!?!?!?!? I don't feel like I should be in my late 40s. :( Oh well, I guess it could be worse...I could be turning 58!!! LOL!!!

The plans for my big day is for Kevin, Hannah and I to go to Asheville to do some shopping. I'm 'hoping' to go to AC Moore, Michaels, Barnes and Noble and Sams. Probably the mall. (I need some B&BWs hand soap.) I'm not sure where I want to eat lunch yet. Somewhere different than we usually go.

Kevin worked yesterday. Something he hasn't done in years. It's hard to work on Sunday. We thought it was Monday all day. He was pressure cleaning a strip mall and since most of the businesses are closed on Sunday he really had no choice. He'll be making 2 more trips to finish it so he'll be working next Sunday, too. :(

We've been planning our annual trek to WI. We'll be seeing Three Dog Night in concert while there. :) Hannah is so excited!! They're one of her favorite bands. It's hard to believe she's only 21 by way of what 70s bands she listens to. ;) She listens to the same music that I grew up with. Makes a Mama proud knowing she can influence her daughter with the music she listens to! LOL!!

I got 2 birthday cards in the mail today. :) One from my mom and the other from my BIL and SIL. So nice that they thought of me. :)

I guess that's all the news for now.
Thanks to all those who leave me a comment. :)
Hugs, Nanette

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Happy Belated 4th!!!!

I sure hope you all had a happy, safe 4th!! We had a good day here at home. :) Some old friends came over and had a 'cookout' with us. In fact, Pam (my best friend) invited her and her hubby over!! It was quite funny!! But we had a blast together. Spent the afternoon cooking, vistiting and a lot of laughing. My dog, Honey, was hillarious!! She loves her 'Aunt Pam' and gets so excited when she comes over. One of the things that Honey did that brought so much laughter was, I had some flowers in a vase on my coffee table, and a lily was just her height so she stuck her nose in it and came out with a bunch of orange pollen on her nose. It was hillarious!! We all laughed so hard!!

We had a cookout but ended up eating inside because it was so hot and humid. Around 7 pm. we all headed to the Rec Park to find a spot on the hillside to watch the Fireworks from. We took our watermelon to the park with us and snacked on it while waiting for the firework show to begin. Pam and I also went to buy some Kettle corn and cotton candy. (it had been ages since I had cotton candy!!) We ended up waiting in line for the cotton candy 50 minutes!! I don't know why the line moved so slow but when we got closer to the front there was no way I was going to get out of line then! All I thought was that it had better be good cotton candy for me to have waited so long!! And it was!! LOL!!! We got back to our blankets just as it was starting to get dark and the Firework display was only minutes away. It had been years since we'd gone into the park to see the fireworks and I must say, it was very enjoyable. But for the 2 hours we were waiting the show only lasted about 30 minutes! But it was fun to watch all the same.

We got home around 10:00 pm. and had Root Beer floats. Mmmm!! After Pam and Gary went home Kevin and I stayed up till after 1 a.m. watching 'The Waltons!!' I know, we're crazy!!

Today I'm a bit tired, to say the least. ;) I think I'll take a nap this afternoon.

Hope everyone had a Great Holiday!!
Hugs, Nanette

P.S. Thanks, Laurie, for checking in. Makes me feel good!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Forever since....I've last posted.

Well I hope someone is checking in to see if I've posted lately. Well, I'm ashamed to say that it's been....just forever....since I've last posted. So sorry about that. It seems that I've been spending all my time reading everybody elses blogs and ignoring my own. :(

Well, here goes! This is what I've been up to lately:

Yesterday I went to work with Kevin (my dear hubby.) and ended up with overspray all over me!! I couldn't get over how sticky and layered my hair was with paint. We worked outside at a house up in the mountains so the weather was gorgeous. :) Kevin said that he's going to pay me I'm excited to have some vacation money!!

My birthday is a week away. I'll be 48. It's so hard to believe that I'm in my late 40s. Where did the time go? I don't feel like I'm just around the corner from 50. Makes me a bit depressed to even think about it!! I'm not sure what my family has planned for my special day. I've been tryin to come up with what I want to do. So far I know that I will get a bunch of balloons (one of my favorite things!!) but as what we'll do that day...I don't know. ;)

Right now I'm uploading pictures that Kevin took of a job he's bidding on to my Photobucket acct. I will be sending an email to the customer with pictures and the quote. It's taking forever to upload that many pictures!!

Well, I was speaking of our beautiful weather we've had the past couples of days. Today was no different although it's a little more humid. Yeserday was gorgeous!! Cooler temps, sunshine and a nice breeze. Very unseasonable. I loved it!

We've started planning our summer vacation. The earliest we'll be heading out is the 24th of July. But with Kevin's schedule it will probably be later than that. It doesn't matter...we're just looking forward to going!

Well, I guess that's it for now.
Hope I haven't been away too long.

Hugs, Nanette

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Wishes.

Happy Easter to you all!!

I hope that you all have spent the day with family on this most precious holiday.

For Jesus Rose today so that we may live eternally.

God bless you all!!!

Hugs, Nanette

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Feeling better...finally!!

Well, I'm finally feeling better. Kevin 'made' me go to the Dr. yesterday and I have a sinus infection that needed antibiotics. So it's a round of Zithromax. I probably should have gone last week when one sickness rolled into another but I was being a bit stubborn. ;) Anyway, I'm feeling better and hopefully this will be the last bought of sickness for this winter. Because, you know, it's still winter. At least until Thursday!!

We are going to be going to Atlanta tomorrow to finally spend our Christmas gift cards. Yep, that's right, Christmas!! It has been one thing after another on why we've not spent them yet. The whole month of January was filled up with one sickie after another. Then Kevin spent most of Feb into this month working on a big, huge house he's been painting. And I had work. But I am so excited about being able to go to Archivers, Michaels, World Market, Sam's, and, of course, the Mall of Georgia. It's a great, 2-story mall with everything in it. We may even make it into Hobby Lobby and Home Depot. Plus we have so many places to choose to eat at because we have gift cards to Longhorn Steakhouse, Red Lobster, and Olive Garden. Mmmmm!! The only problem with living in a small town is you don't have any of these things readily available. Can you tell how excited I am?!?! LOL!!

I have all next week off from work. It's the school's spring break so I won't need to feed any of the kids since they won't be there!! :D I could use the rest so I'm glad. It's a bummer that I won't have any money coming in but being able to sleep in will be wonderful!!

I had my first taste of Corned beef and cabbage today for lunch. I am surprised that I had never had it before being from New England but, no, I've never eaten it. It was surprisingly good!! ;) And I even had all the fixin's with it. Carrots and potatoes. Very good.

Well, I guess that's it for now. :)
I will fill you all in on our day in the 'big city' tomorrow.
Until then....HUGS.....

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A bit down in the dumps. :(

Thanks for the comments to my last post. :) Makes my day to see that people are reading my blog. Ann, I will be heading over to Scrapbook Takeout to 'learn' how to blog. :) Thanks so much for directing me there. I know it will be a lot of help.

And Sherri, the Chinese Auction was a lot of fun. The way it works is there are a ton of prizes and each prize has a cup beside it and you buy tickets (20 tickets for $5). Each 20 tickets has it's own number on them and you put your numbered ticket in the cup. They draw a ticket from the ones in the cup and if your number is called you win that prize. I didn't win a thing!! :( But Hannah won a gift certificate to her favorite Japanese Restaurant (she was thrilled!!) and some hair care products from a local salon. We've already enjoyed the lunch out with the gift certificate. :) Mmmmm! It was delicious.

I'm a little down tonight because I was just getting over a cold and all and then yesterday afternoon I started coughing a little and my throat was all 'phlegmy'. Augh!! I just hope I'm not coming down with anything....again!! I pray that it's just allergies. A lot of the trees and flowers are budding and blooming so I'm hoping that's all it is. I don't really feel bad...just tired. I ended up working 4 days this week and that hasn't helped. I guess I just need a good night's sleep.

So how did everyone fair from the time change? I was exhausted for 3 days!! I do not like it getting dark so much later so early in the year. And I really feel for the kids that have to get on the bus in the dark!! It doesn't get light out here until 7:45 a.m. I hope most of you did alright. :)

I've started working on my March ATCs. I'm in a neat ATC swap with a bunch of very talented ladies. There is 20 of us all together. Most of them come in the mail so it's so much fun getting such good mail throughout the month. :)

The 'Thin Within' book is very good so far. I'm learing a lot about my body and getting closer in my walk with God. I'm on day 3 and even though you're suppose to read the book in 30 days, every chapter a day, it's almost impossible because there's so much to absorb it's hard to take a whole chapter in in one day. But I'm really enjoying it and I'm hoping to lose a few pounds. :)

Well, I guess I've gone on enough for now.
Thanks to those who is reading my blog. :)

Till next time....Hugs!!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

This is great!!

Well, now that I know people are checking out my Blog I will write more often!! I just wish I knew how to do all that 'fancy' stuff like posting pictures and such!! Oh well, I hope that I don't bore you too much!!

I was sick this past week. I had a cold. I'm so thankful that it didn't get as bad as it could have. I was still able to work even though mopping the lunchroom floor just about made my head explode on Thurs. since it was so stuffed up!! But, God is good, and He saw me through. :)

I've started reading a book called, 'Thin Within.' I'm praying this will be the key to losing weight and keeping it off for good. It not only helps with the eating aspect of weight loss but it also helps you realize why you overeat. Or why you eat the things you eat. I'm excited about seeing what it says.

Tonight Hannah and I are going to a 'Chinese Auction' at one of our local Elemenary schools. It's not a like a typical auction where you bid on things. Although they will have silent auctions, too. But for every $5 you spend you get 20 tickets with the same number on it. There are tables full of different prizes with little cups near the prize and you put your numbered tickets in the cup next to the prize you'd like to win. Then the M.C. draws a number out of the cup and if it's your number you win that prize. It's a lot of fun and we usually come home with something. But there's usually 2 women that win most of the prizes!! And that's a bummer!!

We've had 'snow showers' today. It won't amount to anything because the ground is too warm but when I got up this a.m. it was 44 degrees and now it's about 33 degrees. Brrrrr! We're in for some more 'snow' later tonight but I'll believe it when I see it!! LOL!!

I was 'tagged' by Roni this a.m. and I've answered all the questions I just need to find 3 other people to 'tag' who have blogs. I haven't been 'blogging' much so I'm kind of out of the loop about who has a blog and who doesn't. So if any of you reading this would like to be 'tagged' please let me know and I'll pass on the questions!!

Well, that's it for now.
Have a great day!! And thanks for reading this!!

I've been tagged!!

Thanks Roni, for tagging me!!

What you do is Copy this post and then Paste it to your blog and then 'tag' 3 other people. Have fun!!

What I was doing 10 years ago.....Homeschooling Hannah for 6th grade. We had just gotten a new cat from the Humane Society. (which we still have!!) Gotten a new fridge. ;)

Things on my to do list for today:

1. Make cards for a swap.

2. Start ATCs for my monthly swap.

3. Go to a Chinese Auction. :)

4. Clean up my scraproom.

4 things I would do if I became a billionaire:

1. Move to Wisconsin and buy a house on Lake Superior.

2. Pay off all our bills.

3. Be able to buy any papercrafting supplies whenever I'd want.

4. Help those who need finacial help.

3 bad habits:

1. Worrying about things out of my control.

2. Cracking my knuckles.

3. Not writing things down and forgetting what needs to be done!

5 jobs I have had:

1. Babysitter

2. Waitress

3. File clerk

4. Preschool teacher

5. Lunch-lady at local Christian school. (which is my current job!!)

6 Things most people don’t know about me:

1. I'm a germaphobic.

2. I got held back my Sophmore year of High School.

3. I'm a High School drop-out but got my diploma from a Corrospondence school after I was married and had a 1 year old son.

4. My first car was a Volkswagon Bug that cost only $750!!

5. I'm obsessive compulsive.

6. I love to eat Fruit Gushers (gummies) and I share them with my dog!!

I don't know who to TAG because I don't know that many people that have blogs.