Saturday, March 08, 2008

I've been tagged!!

Thanks Roni, for tagging me!!

What you do is Copy this post and then Paste it to your blog and then 'tag' 3 other people. Have fun!!

What I was doing 10 years ago.....Homeschooling Hannah for 6th grade. We had just gotten a new cat from the Humane Society. (which we still have!!) Gotten a new fridge. ;)

Things on my to do list for today:

1. Make cards for a swap.

2. Start ATCs for my monthly swap.

3. Go to a Chinese Auction. :)

4. Clean up my scraproom.

4 things I would do if I became a billionaire:

1. Move to Wisconsin and buy a house on Lake Superior.

2. Pay off all our bills.

3. Be able to buy any papercrafting supplies whenever I'd want.

4. Help those who need finacial help.

3 bad habits:

1. Worrying about things out of my control.

2. Cracking my knuckles.

3. Not writing things down and forgetting what needs to be done!

5 jobs I have had:

1. Babysitter

2. Waitress

3. File clerk

4. Preschool teacher

5. Lunch-lady at local Christian school. (which is my current job!!)

6 Things most people don’t know about me:

1. I'm a germaphobic.

2. I got held back my Sophmore year of High School.

3. I'm a High School drop-out but got my diploma from a Corrospondence school after I was married and had a 1 year old son.

4. My first car was a Volkswagon Bug that cost only $750!!

5. I'm obsessive compulsive.

6. I love to eat Fruit Gushers (gummies) and I share them with my dog!!

I don't know who to TAG because I don't know that many people that have blogs.

1 comment:

:::b r a n d i::: said...

I crack my knuckles too...but I don't consider it a bad habit, LOL. It feels good!!